Ego-free, fun and competitive
environment for all

Welcome To HTK Airsoft

FRiday @ indoor
Pro shop opens @ 5:30
from 6:30-9:30
Saturday @ indoor
pro shop opens @ 11
gameplay from 12-4
Sunday @ Indoor
pro shop opens @ 11
gameplay from 12-4
1355 Vine St Jasper IN 47546
HTK Airsoft operates in 50,000 sq feet Indoor playing arena which operated as a factory in the past, and features three levels.
Level 1:
Proshop, Gameroom, Player Prep Area, Family Viewing Closed Circuit TV, Restrooms, Operations Offices, Gun Range, and Chrono.
Level 2:
Close Quarter Battle Game Play Area, Simulated Night and Daytime Operations.
Level 3:
Close Quarter Battle Game Play Area, SpeedQB 5v5 Tournament Court hosting National Tourneys as well as Local Events.
13706 E 550 S Loogootee, IN 47553
Operating on a 160-acre farm, HTK Outdoor Airsoft Campus boasts the area's best gameplay, no questions asked.
Buildings, vehicles, bridges, obstacles, creeks, wooded areas, wide open fields, and a 3 story Sniper Tower all add up to one amazing field.
Multi-day MILSIM events, single-day special events, a fully stocked pro-shop, and open-play games make this a must-play field.
Mass events are held on this campus each year, including the famous Red Arrow events.
Camping is available during events, and we provide port-toilets, outdoor shower facilities, and free campfire wood.
Pro-shop and food stand on-site.